I’m a second-year computer science PhD student at Northwestern University’s theory group. I am generally interested in theoretical computer science. My current research focuses are in learning theory and high-dimensional statistics.
Before beginning my PhD studies at Northwestern University, I completed both my undergraduate and master’s degrees at the same institution. (Go ‘Cats!)
Agnostic Learning of Arbitrary ReLU Activation under Gaussian Marginals.
with Aravindan Vijayaraghavan. In submission. arXiv version
To Store or Not to Store: a graph theoretical approach for Dataset Versioning.
with Jingwei Li, Pattara Sukprasert, Samir Khuller, Amol Deshpande, and Koyel Mukherjee.
IPDPS 2024. arXiv version | conference version
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois (2019-2023)
B.A. in Math and M.S. in Computer Science
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois (2023-present)
Ph.D. student in Computer Science
Ross Mathematics Program
I attended Ross Asia in 2018 as a first year student (and had a great time!), in 2019 as a junior counselor, and in 2020 as a counselor.
Directed Reading Program
In 2021 Spring, I participated in Math department’s directed reading program, where I read 6 chapters of Linear Representations of Finite Groups with Wenyuan Li.
I TAed for CS335 (Intro to Theory of Computing) in 2024 Fall quarter at Northwestern.
I have written two articles on 知乎 (Chinese version of Quora?) about theoretical computer science. Here’s the link.
I lived in Beijing for the first 18 years of my life. What I like the most about the city is its subway system and shared bicycles, which make travelling very easy and cheap. (I’m not a big fan of driving, due to the traumatic experience of looking for parking spots for half an hour.)